To see more information about the currently selected Color Scheme, click the large Kaleidoscope logo at the top left of the control panel.
“Color Scheme” List
Use this list to select the Color Scheme that Kaleidoscope uses when drawing the windows, buttons, scroll bars, menus, etc. To switch color schemes, click on the one you want and watch Kaleidoscope transform your user interface before your very eyes.
“Accent Color” Pop-Up Menu
Use this pop-up menu to select the accent color that Kaleidoscope uses for selected menu items, progress bars, and scroll bar thumbs. Accent colors are available only in certain color schemes such as “Apple Grayscale”.
“Use WindowShade Sounds” Check Box
When this box is checked, Kaleidoscope makes “whoosh” sounds whenever a window is collapsed or expanded using the WindowShade widget at the right of the title bar.
“Classic Check Boxes” Check Box
When this box is checked, Kaleidoscope uses a cross or “x” in check boxes instead of a tick or check mark.
“Use Spinning Zoom Rectangles” Check Box
Whenever you open or close a window or application, or when you move an icon with the “Snap to Grid” option set, the Finder draws a zoom rectangles animation. When this box is checked, these rectangles rotate a quarter turn.
“Use Faster Spinning” Check Box
When this box is checked, the spinning zoom rectangles animation draws as fast as possible. When this box is not checked, the rotating zoom rectangles animation takes 1/6 of a second.
“Substitute System Font” Check Box
When this box is checked, Kaleidoscope replaces the system font, Chicago 12, with the font and size selected in the pop-up menus below. The system font is used in menus, window titles, dialog boxes, and buttons.
System Font Pop-Up Menu
Use this pop-up menu to select the system font used in menus, window titles, dialog boxes, and buttons. To set the font used inside Finder windows, use the “Views” Control Panel.
System Font Size Pop-Up Menu
Use this pop-up menu to select the size of the system font used in menus, window titles, dialog boxes, and buttons. To set the size of the font used inside Finder windows, use the “Views” Control Panel.
“Colorize Finder Windows” Check Box
When this box is checked, Kaleidoscope sets the background color of Finder windows to the color shown in the swatch to the right.
Finder Window Color Swatch
To set the background color for Finder window, click here. Kaleidoscope uses this color only when the “Colorize Finder Windows” feature is turned on. Otherwise, Finder windows have the standard white background.
“Use Label Color” Check Box
When this box is checked, Kaleidoscope sets the background color of Finder windows to the label color of the enclosing folder. When this box is not checked, Kaleidoscope uses the window color shown in the swatch above for all Finder windows.